Files in Linux

The file system

Almost all major operating and file systems arrange data in a hierarchical, tree-like directory structure. This works by having a root directory which can contain an arbitrary number of recursively nested subdirectories and files. Although this approach is commonly used, details on implementation and usage philosophy differ. We will specifically look at the standard directories making up a common Linux file system and explore the philosophy behind the everything is a file-idiom using on-hand examples. As Linux is heavily based on Unix philosophy, most of what I present here does not actually come from Linux, but rather is a derivation of already existing concepts stemming from much older systems.

To start off, let’s take a look at how the Arch Linux directory structure looks.

# an example file system layout
├── bin     -> usr/bin
├── boot
├── dev
├── etc
├── home
├── lib     -> usr/lib
├── lib64   -> usr/lib
├── opt
├── proc
├── sbin    -> usr/bin
├── tmp
├── usr
│   ├── bin
│   ├── include
│   ├── lib
│   ├── lib32
│   ├── lib64   -> lib
│   ├── local
│   ├── sbin    -> bin
│   ├── share
└── var

That’s only a selection of directories, but already a lot to take in. We’ll start off by noticing that lots of directories are actually just symbolic links (i.e. aliases which refer to the same underlying file) which can be ignored. These symlinks don’t exist on most distros - they are nonstandard and the separation of them actually serves a purpose - but we will ignore that for now. A detailed description of what each directory is used for can be found in the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard published by the Linux Standard Base working group.

If you contrast this layout to the one Windows 10 uses, one thing that comes to mind is how a Linux distro bundles files of the same type, not from the same source. This means a C library called bestlib would have its include headers stored in /usr/include, while its shared library file would end up in /usr/lib. Windows would probably have a folder somewhere called bestlib containing the include headers as well as the shared library file. The former is particularly useful if you do a lot of development in C/C++ as there are standard locations where most libraries and headers reside. I remember some projects where I had to specify over 15 additional include and library directories using Visual Studio in 2016 which was a real PITA and made the whole process unnecessarily difficult.

Another thing you might have noticed is the lack of a C: or D: drive letter. Windows generally represents each physical file system with a different root. This root is known as the drive letter and is prefixed to every path so you get things like C:/Users/shed for the users’ home directory. Linux would represent the same location as /home/shed. But how come Linux does not need a drive letter if there are multiple drives connected?


We have seen that Linux uses only a single root. The process of binding other file systems and disks to some location in the directory tree is known as mounting. The mount command takes two main parameters: the device to mount and the mount point. As we will see later on, every disk has a file representation in /dev. Mounting allows one to seamlessly include many different storage devices into a single file system. The way it works for me is that I have my home directory on a separate partition and that I use a network attached storage (NAS) for all of my non-local files.

# my layout
├── home (on /dev/sda2)
│   ├ NAS (on //
│   │   ├─ Uni (on //
│   │   ...
│   ├ notes (on /dev/sda2)
│   ...
├── boot (on /dev/sda1)
├── dev (on /dev/sda1)
├── etc (on /dev/sda1)

How does the system memorize where to mount what? Mounting rules are defined in the file system table /etc/fstab. This files tells the kernel what to mount (disk UUID, network IP…), where to mount (/boot, /home…) and how to mount (credentials, read/write, uid/gid…). Add any devices you want to auto-mount on boot to this file.

# Mounting a disk with a given UUID as the root
# <file system>                             <dir>   <type>      <options>
UUID=ecae701e-aafe-4ceb-86e9-ecbda8752e4f   /       ext4        rw,relatime 0 1

I don’t need to care whether a file sits on my computer or on somebody else’s computer (a.k.a. the cloud) or on a USB stick or even on a magnetic tape drive - the kernel presents a clean directory tree and has drivers for a variety of devices that handle the read and write operations. Lots of mounted file systems together with their files are not even real disks, they exist purely in memory, are created by the kernel and have abundant use cases.

Everything is a file - but is it really?

Imagine wanting to read data from a webcam. How would you do that? A non-Unix-aware programmer might look for a library that enumerates all webcams and exposes API functionality akin to readWebcamData(cam, buf, byteCount). You might want to read mouse input next and try to do the same, but instead look for a readMouseData(mouse, x, y) function. Do you notice the problem? We would need a wrapper for every kind of device there is which is time consuming if not nearly impossible. This is where files come in to the rescue.

Of course, not everything is a file. A webcam is not a file, it’s a solid object. A mouse also. In my opinion, it’s better to say that everything is represented as a file. This is the defining feature of Unix-based operating systems and is therefore important to understand. The basic idea is that we define a common API on files, let’s say read and write, and use this API to read from webcams, mice, keyboards etc.

Do you remember the /dev/ directory? It does not really exist - only in memory and is created by the kernel. As are all the files in there. Let’s take a look at a specific file, let’s say /dev/video0. This file represents a webcam. Additional webcams might be represented as /dev/video1 etc. The kernel detects these devices and exposes them through these files. A programmer can then read data using read("/dev/video0") to read webcam data. He can also do read("/dev/mouse") to read mouse data. Very easy.

Other examples of file-exposed devices you often see are the framebuffer, terminals, hardware timers, random number generators, stderr/stdin/stdout and useful process information (take a look at /proc/self for example), but there are many many more.

Taking it a step further - redirecting output

Now that we have a theoretical base on how files work, let’s have some fun with I/O redirection. Processes in Linux have a standard output which we can redirect to other files. We can do interprocess communication by redirecting stdout of our current process into a file which represents some form of other process. Let’s fire up two terminals and type tty on both. tty stands for teletype and allows you to find out the file which represents the current terminal stdin/stdout. We get the following two files.

We can do the funny and redirect the output of /dev/pts/1 to /dev/pts/2. Go to pts1 and type echo 'Hello World' > /dev/pts/2. You will see the text appear on pts2. Boom, interprocess communication. We can do the same using the standard input too. Try typing cat /dev/pts/2 on pts1. cat tries to read from pts2, but pts2 is also trying to read! If you type something into pts1, you’ll notice a few characters going to pts1 and a few going to pts2. You have created a race condition which might break your terminal. This is also the reason why the kernel has to go to great length to ensure locked, well-defined device access because if there are simultaneous read/writes, races can occur and lead to data loss or security vulnerabilities.

A practical note

I wanted to turn off the CPU fan on my ThinkPad the other day and did not immediately find a good program, so I started looking around in the /proc directory which aside from processes contains various virtual files created by drivers. I found the /proc/acpi/ibm/fan file which represents the fan. Exactly what I needed! Now I can simply type echo 'level 0' > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan to turn the fan off and echo 'level auto' > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan to turn the fan to auto mode again. By doing this, I’m directly interacting with the driver and controlling the hardware through the file read/write API. I do the same for my keyboard backlight and have written some scripts to simplify the process. There’s no need for external programs when you have device files and I/O redirection - you can build complex things with simple building blocks, a core principle of the Unix Philosophy (TODO).

Files in Linux are really powerful and every user ought to learn how to use them properly. You need them mostly when mounting, but they also allow all kinds of ways to directly interact with the kernel and your machine on a low level.