Bastian Engel’s Webpage

Welcome to my website. I share a lot about my personal projects and endeavours here because it gives more freedom than using social media and more choice than using pre designed web services. I have also taken care not to use any scripts so everyone can enjoy this content without needing to run JavaScript in the background.

I am a 22 year old CS student studying at the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). I like programming, listening to music, playing the piano and learning Japanese. One area I am especially interested in is low level application development. You can find out more about my projects here. I also have an RSS feed.

I spent the latter half of 2022 in Japan as an exchange student, meaning lots of content can be found on the 2022 Japan Blog.

Here is my PGP key if you want to send me encrypted mail. It is published and verified on You should also always check if the fingerprint matches:

pub   rsa3072 2020-10-26 [SC]
      F59C FA82 FF2C BD22 66D1  ED03 2A7D D530 201D 4B87
uid           [ultimate] Bastian Engel (Uni-Mail) <>
uid           [ultimate] Bastian Engel <>
uid           [ultimate] Bastian Engel <>
sub   rsa3072 2020-10-26 [E]

Oh, and please notify me of any bugs. I regularly run scripts over this project to keep everything nice and tidy, but things have broken in the past and I cba’d to test each page every time.

More stuff! (bold text indicates an ongoing series)